We all know a picture paints a thousand words, but in the business world a good-quality photo on LinkedIn is a key way to communicate your ‘brand.’ Think about it. Today’s world is an eminently visual one – hence the popularity of Instagram and Pinterest.

Imagery is one of the most powerful tools of engagement online, and the better the photo the more it drives engagement. Articles with images get 94% more total views and sharing images with your LinkedIn network means you’re five times more likely to have other members engage with your update.

And now that LinkedIn has introduced photo sharing via the LinkedIn phone app, sharing images from conferences and events as well as professional achievements are just a click away. An excellent way to engage with your business contacts.

But grabbing people’s attention and making the right impact means you need visuals that resonate and reinforce your brand. The photos you choose do the talking for you. So keep the selfies of after-work mojitos and images of funny looking cats for personal social media accounts like Facebook. Let’s keep LinkedIn networking business-focused to ensure its value to members.

Have you used images in your LinkedIn status updates? Have they affected the update’s engagement stats? What kind of images do you think work best on LinkedIn?

I’d love to hear from you —

Image courtesy of posterize / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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